Phone: 610-896-4205
Office: KINSC S208


My lab is interested in understanding the mechanism of protein aggregation. Protein misfolding can lead to aggregation and we are focused on studies of how proteins involved in neurodegenerative diseases can aggregate. We are currently studying this aggregation in Huntingon's disease, Parkinson's disease, and ALS, using both worms and flies as our model systems. For an overview of this work, please see our Scientia article.

2023/2024 lab group

  • Kelsey Mabry ('24)
  • Sierra Galindo ('26)
  • Mata Ngochanthra ('24)
  • Matthias Langer ('24)
  • Taliyah Evans ('24)
  • Hallie Kern (BMC '24)
  • Camellia japonica
  • Leah Barz-Snell (BMC '24)
  • Fatima Faheem ('24)
  • Alice Sappenfield ('27)
  • Nikki Farrell ('24)

    Not Shown: Téa Kuzbari ('25); Umme Orthy ('26); Aysha Syeda ('26); Lauren Paprocki ('26); Olivia Davis ('27); Owen Sykes ('27)